
Sunday, April 01, 2007

Ten encouraging things about Reformed Christianity in the UK

Tulips at Cardiff Civic Centre

1. The remarkable recovery of the doctrines of grace in many Churches in the last 50 years.
2. A renewed emphasis on expository preaching.
3. Church planting and Mission.
4. Cross-denominational unity and co-operation.
5. The publication of Reformed literature at a popular and scholarly level.
6. Reformed Theological education and training at LTS, WEST and HTC.
7. Innovatory evangelism through the Christianity Explored course.
8. A widespread burden for revival.
9. Institutions like the Christian Institute, giving us a voice in the public square.
10. A vision of our glorious, sovereign, Triune God in theology, life and mission.


  1. Anonymous1:47 pm

    We've a long way to go brother!

  2. This post was a kind of corrective after several that were critical of contemporary Reformed Christianity. See posts on "What's the problem with Reformed Christianity in the UK?" and "The Lloyd-Jones problem" - both in March.
