
Friday, March 28, 2008

2008 UK Banner of Truth Ministers' Conference

On Monday I'll be off to the Banner Ministers' Conference. I'm very much looking forward to the ministry and fellowship. It's not just the formal events on the programme that make these conferences so profitable. A number of other factors also make the annual pilgrimage to Leicester worthwhile. It may not be exactly true in this case that it is better to travel than to arrive. But the theological conversations and banter on journey make for an enjoyable ride. Too enjoyable maybe, as last year we kept getting lost. Then there is the free time on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons, when I might attempt to play tabletennis (badly) or football (v. badly). One of the highlights of the Banner "fringe" is a secretive gathering of the Taffia. A number of Welsh ministers cram into a little student flat (with a few trusted English interlopers) to eat various assortments of Pringles and reminisce about "the Doctor" in the presence of a specially invited VIP guest.
But as the churches I serve kindly pay for me to attend Banner I ought to say that it's not all fun and games (honest!). There is the teaching as well, with some excellent speakers this year including Joel Beeke, Stuart Olyott and Gwynn Williams. I'll hopefully post a report when I get back home. Any fellow bloggers hoping to be there?


  1. It will be my BOT conference debut this year.Church is paying for me to go too....see you there.Looking foward to it, but not quite sure what to expect.

  2. Will you be travelling on your own or with some friends? I hope you'll find the confrence freindly and welcoming.

  3. Coming with Chris Banks( Daws Heath).My old pastor( dont know if he is part of Taffia but he is welsh-Peter F Hughes) used to speak highly of the week as a time of refreshing.

  4. Can I pretend to be a Pastor and come anyway?


    Oh, that's what I do all the time, so I should be convincing enough by now.

  5. J,

    Why not give them a ring, tell them what you are doing in ministry and training and see what they say. Bit late for this year but Banner 09?

  6. Sounds like a plan. We'll see!

  7. Guy,

    I'll see you there.
