
Tuesday, April 22, 2008

What are you waiting for?

An edited version of my Morning Thought, for BBC Radio Wiltshire
My mum used to tell me that “Good things come to those who wait.” Well, what are you waiting for? At this time of the morning [6.50am], you might be waiting for the kettle to boil for that first refreshing cup of tea. You could be waiting for a lift to work. If you are listening on one of those newfangled mobile devices, you might be outside, waiting for a bus. Maybe you’ve ordered something and you’re waiting for the postman to deliver the goods?

Perhaps you are waiting for something a bit more significant? Will you ever get to meet that special someone? Is "so and so" ever going to text you back? Will you get the job you’ve applied for? Will you win the Lottery? If like my sister, you’re an expectant mum, you’ll be waiting for the birth of your baby! High minded philosophical types might be waiting to find out the meaning of life. If you are waiting for the secret of eternal youth and beauty.....don’t hold your breath.

Sometimes we can wait and wait for something and when it turns up, we are disappointed. Once I ordered a few CD’s. They were supposed to have been delivered in three or four days, but they took three of four weeks. Every day I would eagerly anticipate arrival of the post. But time and time again, I was just greeted by junk mail and bills. At last they came. Yesss! However, most of them were damaged and had to be returned for replacement, which only meant more waiting. Ah well.

Right at the end of U2’s early album War is the track “40”, so called because the words are based on Psalm 40 in the Bible. It goes like this,
I waited patiently for the LORD;
And He inclined to me,
And heard my cry.
He also brought me up out of a horrible pit,
Out of the miry clay,
And set my feet upon a rock,
And established my steps.
[Psalm 40:1&2]
Those who wait on the Lord will find him a rock of stability in a fast-changing and uncertain world.
On Christ the solid rock I stand,
All other ground is sinking sand.
He’ll not disappoint you. So, hurry up and wait for what’s worth waiting for because,
those who wait on the LORD
Shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and not faint.
[Isaiah 40:31]
You can listen again here, about 45 minutes into the show.

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