
Thursday, November 06, 2008

Interesting Stuff

Byron Smith of "Nothing New Under the Sun" has a thoughtful piece on The Change We Need: Reflections upon Obama.
Paul Helm of "Helm's Deep" has posted some new articles for November, including Analysis 20 - History and Dogma and Natural Law and Common Grace. The Prof's Calvin: A Guide for the Perplexed, T & T Clark, 2008 is out now. He kindly sent me a review copy, which I hope to be able read and review on the blog by the end of the month.
Martin Downes of "Against Heresies" draws our attention to Crazy NICOT/NICNT Commentary sale at Amazon, with bargains such as, Waltke on Proverbs (2 Volumes) £6.00 and £6.80 instead of £28.00. Wenham on Leviticus £1.99 instead of £22.00.Barnett on 2 Corinthians £4.79 instead of £30.00. [Update: looks like the sale is over - see comments and weep].
Gary Brady of "Heavenly Worldliness" has a couple of posts on the Puritan Thomas Brooks, Refreshing Brooks 01 and Refreshing Brooks 02. Spot the pun.


  1. Is the Amazon sale done already?

    I "raced" straight over, but there don't seem to be any Amazon copies available, even though "Search" shows the links with prices.

    Definitely something funny going on.

    This is waaaay too late (or is it early?) for April 1st!

    David Reimer

  2. I popped three or four books in my Amazon "shopping basket" earlier this morning, intending to buy them later. Prompted by your comment I revisted the site only to find that they had been removed from the basket and dumped in "Saved Items--To Buy Later" as the stuff was no longer available. Looks like we've missed the boat.

  3. Gutted! Talk about "feeding frenzy"....

  4. Anonymous3:35 am

    Alas, I ordered a load of those commentaries early in the morning, but Amazon has cancelled the entire order - stating they were incorrectly priced. So, you didn't miss out after all.

  5. Wow - that's poor form for Amazon to not honour the price. That is the usual practice for vendors who make a mistake on their price.

    PS Thanks for the link.
