
Thursday, April 02, 2009

Wired for Sound?

An edited version of my Morning Thought, for BBC Radio Wiltshire.
I understand that congratulations are in order. BBC Radio Wiltshire will be celebrating its 20th anniversary this weekend. All week Graham has been giving us a blast from the past with some special archive clips. The one of him flying with the Red Arrows sounded fun. Although rather him than me.

I suppose that radio is so much part of our lives that we take it for granted. But it’s a rather strange, even unnerving medium isn’t it? You can’t see me, which may be just as well. But you can hopefully hear me speaking to you just where you are. I don’t know what you are doing right now. You may be having your breakfast. Perhaps you are at work. Or if you have one of those radio alarm clocks, you could even still be in bed! But wherever you are, you can hear my voice. Someone you can’t see is speaking directly to you.

One of the early Russian cosmonauts once quipped that he had a good look round in space, but hadn’t seen God. What did he expect? We can’t see God, he is invisible. How, then can we know that he is there? Because he has spoken.

God speaks to us through the world that he made.

The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge.
(Psalm 19:1&2)
In our every waking moment, we are being addressed by the God's speech, summoning us to forsake our idols and glorify our great Creator.

God speaks to us through the Bible. Its great message is that the One God who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit has acted to bring us into a meaningful relationship with himself.

Above all God speaks to us through his Son Jesus Christ. In his life, death and mighty resurrection we see the full extent of God’s love and compassion for our broken world.

God is speaking. He is there and he is not silent. It’s a little bit like the radio. The signal is being broadcast. We just have to switch on and tune in to what he is saying.

On BBC Radio Wiltshire around 6.25 each morning from Monday 30th March to Friday 3rd April. Frequency 103.6, 104.3 & 103.5 FM, or listen online.

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