
Monday, June 08, 2009

Blogging in the name of the Lord, Series 6

I'm thinking of doing a new series of interviews in the next few weeks. Who would you like to see in the hot seat?


  1. I'd be scraping the barrel a bit if I was reduced to interviewing myself.

  2. I'll play!

    I think Jonathan's idea is excellent, but if you felt awkward about interviewing yourself (which, I appreciate, could feel a teensy bit sad), you could always get in David Sky to conduct the interview. Just a thought.

    A couple (or so) other suggestions:

    - have you not interviewed the iMonk, Michael Spencer?
    - how about a corporate blog? and my suggestion is the Wycliffe UK bloggers;
    - Kirk Wellum is a fellow traveller, and would certainly have some thoughts to share.

  3. David,

    I've already done an interview with Mr. Sky. It didn't go too well:

    Thanks for the other suggestions. If you are up for it, I'll be in touch, but are you a blogger?

  4. EP wrote: "I've already done an interview with Mr. Sky."

    I should have guessed. I feel like I'm being lapped. :)

    EP also wrote: "...but are you a blogger?"

    Wot? Me?! No. Just a seasonal drive-by commenter.

  5. Daivd,

    How can you take part in a 'Blogging in the name of the Lord' interview when you're not a blogger?

    We could still do an interview if you like, but it wouldn't be in the 'Blogging in the name...' series.

  6. EP further wrote: "How can you take part..."

    Huh?? Now I am confused!

    Ahh. I think I understand. When in my first drive-by comment I said "I'll play", I meant "in recommending who I would like to see in the hot seat", and gave four suggestions, the first of which echoed Jonathan's (and which, I discovered, has already been done). I never intended to give the impression that I was interviewable! Perish the thought! μὴ γένοιτο, even!

  7. David,

    Sorry about that misunderstanding. I see what you mean now. "I'll play." Meant "I don't want to play, but it would be nice if others joined in." :-)

  8. David, he often makes these mistakes. This comes from talking to soft toys too often.
