
Friday, June 05, 2009

Don Carson's Love of God trilogy free online

We have been discussing the doctrine of Scripture in some of our recent Bible Studies. I asked what people had found helpful in their personal Bible readings. One friend said that he uses the Robert Murray M'Cheyne Bible Reading Plan that takes its users through the whole Bible in a year, reading the Psalms and New Testament twice. He also suggested that we try Don Carson's 'For the Love of God', a set of notes based on the M'Cheyne scheme. I've used the M'Cheyne calendar for many years, but I don't have Carson's notes. So, I was pleased to note that Volumes One and Two of 'For the Love of God' and 'The Difficult Doctrine of the Love of God' are now avalible online for free:
H/T Tony Reinke. Check out his blog, Miscellanies for more Carson freebies.


  1. I have hard copies of Carson's two books which are very helpful. For the last month or two I've been accessing the books online at the links you suggest. More recently I've found that there is a limit to the pages you can access, although, as so often, it is not clear exactly how the mechanism works.

  2. Oh. I wonder if you can get round the restricted access by saving the pdfs to your hard drive?

  3. What kind of limit, Gary? I don't seem to be having any problem

  4. Thanks, Guy...just downloaded them.
