Engaging with Barth: Contemporary Evangelical Critiques, edited by David Gibson and Daniel Strange has now been published in the USA by T&T Clark. With Barth's theology gaining influence in Reformed circles, this really is a must read for those who wish to engage with his thinking in a critical yet constructive way. With a stellar list of contributors including Henri Blocher, Oliver Crisp, Paul Helm, Donald Macleod and Carl Trueman, this is
the book for a Classic Reformed perspective on Karl Barth. You don't know what you've been missing across the Pond. This most helpful work has been out over here since early 2008! See
here for an interview with co-editor David Gibson on the occasion of the book's publication in the UK by IVP/Apollos, and
here for my review.
1 - What does 'Classic Reformed' mean?
2 - How many of the contributers would describe themselves in that way?
1 - The historic Reformed faith as seen in Calvin, 39A's WCF/Savoy/1689, Spurgeon, Lloyd-Jones, etc.
2 - I'd forgotten that David Gibson had said this in the interview, but these are his words not mine:
"Although not all the contributors in our book are coming from exactly the same place, the engagement with Barth is more from the perspective of classic Reformed theology and we think this makes for a very interesting kind of interaction."
DG seems to think that the contributors are "Classic Reformed" and he should know.
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