Wouldn't it be boring if we had to
exist on some kind of vitamin-laden porridge that always tasted the same? The
fact that food is pleasurable to eat as well as beneficial to our bodies is
testimony to the goodness of our Creator. He did not make us simply to exist,
but to enjoy life in the world he made.
Yet people seldom reflect on the fact that “all good gifts
around us are sent from heaven above”. I wonder how many readers of this
magazine pause to give thanks to God for their food before eating? One of the
reasons why churches hold special Harvest Services is to remind us that all the
good things that we have and enjoy are God’s gifts to us. They aren't ours by
right. He gives simply because he is kind.
The fact that some people have more than enough and others
struggle to keep body and soul together isn't due to a global lack of food.
There is always plenty to go round. The problem is often man’s greed and
corruption. That is why aid supplies are sometimes prevented from getting
through to those who need them most. Christian aid agencies such as Tear Fund
work with local partners to help ensure that the needy don’t have to go without
life’s essentials.
We live in a world of extraordinary beauty that is also
marked by injustice and cruelty. But God has not abandoned us. He continues to
provide for our bodily needs. He has also acted to deal with the problem of sin
that separates us from him. That is why he sent his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ
into the world. He came to die for our sins so that we might be forgiven and
reconciled to God. Jesus is God’s best gift to us. He is the bread of God who
came down from heaven to give life to the world. Those who feed on him by faith
will have everlasting life.
See our church website for the times of our Harvest Thanksgiving Services.
* For October's News & Views, West Lavington parish magazine
1 comment:
Happy the people of West Lavington to have the privilege of faithful Gospel presentation, and a clear message about the God of providence and of grace.
I see from our own local newsletter that the Anglican vicar is leaving. Consequently, according to a report by a churchwarden, the church is now left to cope 'entirely on its own resources'. Amazing.
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