Herman Bavinck: Pastor, Churchman, Statesman, and
Ron Gleason, New Jersey: P&R Publishing
Company, 2010, xvi + 511pp.
Readers of Herman Bavinck’s Reformed Dogmatics, recently published
in English translation will understandably want to acquaint themselves with the
man behind those four majestic volumes of theology. However, apart from the
biographical sketch that forms part of the introduction to each volume of Reformed Dogmatics, little information
on Bavinck’s life has been available in English. Ron Gleason has made good on
that lacuna with this full-length biographical study.
Gleason delves into Herman
Bavinck’s family background in an attempt to discover the factors that shaped
his life and thought. His father, Jan Bavinck was a Separatist pastor, serving
various Christian Reformed Church congregations over the course of his
ministerial career. When the time came for Herman to undertake theological
study it was expected that he would enrol at the Separatist Theological
Seminary in Kampen. But he caused something of a stir in Separatist circles by
electing instead to study at Leiden University, a bastion of theological
How did Bavinck manage to leave
Leiden with his Reformed faith intact? Gleason suggests that his upbringing
among the Separatists gave him a thorough grounding in the Scriptures and Reformed
theology. This is no doubt true, but the situation was a little more
complicated than that. Gleason makes no mention of the crisis of faith that
Bavinck experienced while at Leiden. It would have been interesting to learn
how Bavinck recovered from this so that he emerged from his theological studies
capable of exposing the failings of liberalism in the light of historic the
Reformed faith. His ability in this area is amply displayed in Reformed Dogmatics.
After graduating from Leiden with
a theology doctorate, Bavinck became pastor of a Separatist congregation in
Franeker. He was only in pastoral ministry for a year, but his time as pastor
had a formative influence on his work as a theology professor. Bavinck served
at the Separatist seminary in Kampen from 1882-1902 and then at the Free
University Amsterdam from 1902 until his untimely death in 1921.
Much of the biography is taken up
with Bavinck’s role in the ecclesiastical politics of his day. 1892 saw the
union of the Christian Reformed Church and the Doleantie Churches. The
Doleanite Churches were a reformist grouping in the Dutch Reformed State Church.
Under the leadership of Abraham Kuyper they took a strong line against the
liberalising tendencies of their denomination. But the union was not a happy
one. There were differences of emphasis
in the two bodies that formed the united Church. Strong characters on both
sides vied for supremacy in the newly formed body. A particularly intractable
issue was the proposed merger of the theological seminary at Kampen and the
Free University in Amsterdam. Bavinck was heavily involved in the tortuous and
ultimately futile negotiations.
The undisputed hero of this book
is Herman Bavinck. This is his biography after all. But Abraham Kuyper is cast
as something approaching the villain of the piece. Apart from an occasional
lapse, Bavinck is presented as a man of patient integrity and godly wisdom. Kuyper
is not without his virtues, but he comes over as a slightly sinister figure. An
unflattering picture emerges of Kuyper as a man who was capable of high handed
imperiousness and low political cunning. Although Bavinck and Kuyper often
worked closely together, they became increasingly uneasy allies and eventually
fell out over Bavinck’s scheme for the merger of the Theological Seminary and
Free University. While Kuyper undoubtedly had his faults, Gleason’s account
seems a little one sided at times.
Gleason concentrates on Bavinck
the ecclesiastical politician and gives few glimpses of his interior life.
Little is said about Bavinck as a husband and father, or his personal walk with
God. Readers of Reformed Dogmatics might
have liked to know how the theologian went about writing his magnum opus. While this is not a
theological biography, it is a biography of a theologian. More discussion of
Bavinck’s special contribution to Reformed theology and an account of his key
theological ideas would not have gone amiss. A good biography will give readers
the feeling that they have come as near as possible to getting know the subject
personally. A compelling psychological portrait will bring the subject to life
as the pages turn. Gleason gets close, but he doesn't quite get under
Bavinck’s skin.
In places the work suffers from
an inelegant style and poor editing. Gleason’s attempts at humour are sometimes
ill-judged, such as the “joke” about the discovery of gin bottles belonging
Bavinck’s alcoholic predecessor as pastor at Franeker. The occasional
Americanism may grate, such as “slam dunk” (p. 92) and “However, this was a huge however…” (p. 246). Gleason
intimates that he will say something about the death of Herman’s brother, Johan
Gerrit in chapter 7 (p. 152). But an account of Johan’s passing is held off
until chapter 8, (p. 203) The exact words used by Gleason to describe Bavinck’s
mindset on page 172 are repeated in the context of Kuyper’s advice to Bavinck
on the following page. The writer sometimes lapses into cliché, “Both sides had
thrown down the gauntlet; a line had been drawn in the sand.” (P. 253). Such
blemishes detract from the reader’s enjoyment of the book.
Gleason’s effort is currently the
only one on offer when it comes to a full-length Bavinck biography in English. His
carefully researched work provides a wealth of detailed biographical information.
But perhaps one could have wished for a slightly more insightful and better written
account of the life of the great Dutch Reformed dogmatician.
* Reviewed for the European Journal of Theology.
Thanks for this Guy. Its a shame that this is the only biography available, think I'll save my pennies until a definitive one emerges - that would be a real slam dunk don't you think? Awesome!
Hi Guy - I thought I had submitted a comment linking the "poor editing" with the reference (3x in this review) to "KampDen" rather than "Kampen". No need to approve the comment, but you'll probably want to fix the blooper as the review goes to EJT, although if you don't, the review editor probably will. :)
Doh! Thanks, David. That's the kind of mistake you expect on an unedited blog. Especially this one.
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