Here's a list of books that I'd like to read during 2009. Some are already on my "to read shelf", others are but a distant dream. I'm not sure if I'll get through them all, but if you don't have goals...
Reformed Dogmatics Volumes 1-4, by Herman Bavinck, Baker Academic, published from 2003-2008. I'll have to get through Vol. 1 by the middle of January in preparation for an address to a Minister's Fraternal on "Challenging Biblical Inerrancy - a response to the proposals of A. T. B. McGowan in The Divine Spiration of Scripture: Challenging evangelical perspectives". (See review series here). I've already made a start on the first volume. Interesting stuff so far. Will I have read the whole set by the end of 2009, who knows?
Christ and Culture Revisited, by D. A. Carson, IVP/Apollos, 2008. Carson's response to Richard Niebuhr's analysis of Christian approaches to cultural life.
Troubled Journey: A Missionary Childhood in war-torn China, by Faith Cook, Banner of Truth Trust, 2004.
The Momentous Event, by W. J. Grier, Banner of Truth Trust, 2006 reprint. Classic statement of amillenialist eschatology. Much needed to counteract the spread of premillenialist distortion of Scripture.
The Beauty of the Infinite: The Aesthetics of Christian Truth, by David Bentley Hart, Eerdmans, 2003. According to Robert Letham in Through Western Eyes (reviewed here), Eastern Orthodoxy has yet to feel the impact of the Enlightenment. Well, in this book Hart, an Eastern Orthodox theologian grapples with postmodernism. He argues against the postmodern view that truth claims are inherently violent and manipulative. The Christian message is one of beauty and peace in the Lord Jesus Christ. (Already started).
Reforming or Conforming: Post-Conservative Evangelicals and the Emerging Church, edited by Gary L. W. Johnson & Ronald N. Gleason, Crossway 2008. With contributions from the likes of Paul Wells, Paul Helm and the great Martin Downes, should be good.
Catch the Vision: Roots of the Reformed recovery, by John J. Murray, Evangelical Press, 2007. The inside story of the recovery of Reformed doctrine in the 20th century.
Let The Nations Be Glad: The supremacy of God in missions, by John Piper, IVP, 2008 reprint. The first of three books on mission.
Paul the Missionary: Realities, Strategies and Methods, by Eckhard J. Schnabel, IVP/Apollos, 2008. A mighty 500 pager for review in the Protestant Truth magazine - deadline the middle of January. Yikes!
The Humanness of John Calvin, Richard Stauffer's study of The Reformer as a Husband, Father, Pastor and Friend, Solid Ground Christian Books, 2008 reprint. With 2009 being something of a Calvinfest, should be good to reflect on the humanness of the reformer.
The Courage to Be Protestant: Truth-lovers, Marketers and Emergents in the Post-modern World, by David F. Wells, IVP, 2008. Wells is one of my favourite contemporary theologians and this book should be of help in my work for the Protestant Truth Society.
The Mission of God: Unlocking the Bible's grand narrative, Christopher J. H. Wright, IVP, 2006. A biblical theology of mission.
Hi Guy, I stumbled across your blog the other day. I'm not really sure how, actually, but here I am! :)
Sounds like you've got a great list together for this year. I myself am a very big fan of Bavinck. I've read most of vols. 2 and 3, and parts of 4. We've used large portions of them for our systematic theology classes here at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida. Considering the heavy weight of some of the subjects like Christology, sin, and redemption, Bavinck has a masterful way of laying these doctrines out clearly and really bringing out the richness of Reformed theology. I hope you will be blessed by reading his works. I've also heard Christopher Wright's book is very, very good, although I haven't had the opportunity to read it myself yet.
Well that's the first month taken care of, then. Now, what about February?
I have to read "Beauty of the Infinite" for my seminar group next year. Be really interested to know your thoughts!
Barth was a great fan of Bavinck - see, you can't dislike him TOO much now!
To be honest Jon, I'm struggling a bit with "Beauty of the Infinite". The introductory section was alright. But now I'm on "Part 1: Dionysus against the Crucified". He says things like,
"the intricate architectural ingenuity of Apollonian violence exhausts itself before the unmasterable pandemonium of Dionysian violence; Socrates drinks hemlock, but Athens remains - forever at war."
And I'm thinking "What?"
I've got 3 of 4 from the Bavinck set. It is superb.
Carson's book also looks great.
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